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Dave Daniels is the creator of the BrainKraft Product Launch System and the author of Product Launch Survival Guide


with Dave Daniels


How to Organize and Drive an Effective Launch Team

Writer's picture: Dave DanielsDave Daniels

How to Organize and Drive an Effective Launch Team

An effective product launch team is a beautiful thing to behold. Everyone is aligned on the mission. They know what good looks like. There is little friction. The team handles setbacks with ease and offers creative solutions. Progress is easily tracked. Launch team members are accountable and engaged.

If this is how product launch teams operate at your company, stop reading. Otherwise, let me share with you some pro tips to get you and your team in a better place.

There is a big distinction between managing a team and driving a team.

Managers check off boxes. They have a greater focus on deliverables and getting things done, rather than outcomes. We need them as they are vital to the team success. A problem with many product launches is we try to turn them into routine, checkbox activities when they are often much more complicated.

Drivers are less concerned about checking boxes and more concerned about producing outcomes. They focus on the capabilities needed to achieve launch objectives. They get creative when obstacles are encountered. They leverage the wisdom of the team to find creative solutions. They challenge the status quo.

A product launch isn't a single project, it's a project of projects. Each functional area is managing a readiness project, which roll up to one mega project.

Pro Tip 1 - Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities

A team can't win if the players on the team don't know the positions they are expected to play. In a product launch team you need four distinct roles. The first is a Launch Director. Think of them as the team captain. The second role is Readiness Owners. These are individuals who are accountable for preparing their part of the company for a launch. The third is a project manager or program manager. This is the individual that manages to governance of the team and tracks readiness progress. The fourth is an executive sponsor.

Pro Tip 2 - Clearly Defined Launch Objectives

You will need launch objectives to align your launch team. Launch objectives define what winning looks like in a measurable way. I recommend four launch objectives: Win, Keep, Grow, and Steal. Win new customers. Keep the customers we win. Grow the customers we Keep. And, steal customers from competitors.

Pro Tip 3 - Split the Launch Team in Two

An insiders pro tip is to split your launch team into a core team and an extended team.

Pro Tip 4 - Let Functional Areas Do Their Thing

Marketing uses Asana. Development uses Jira. Sales Enablement uses something else. A fools errand is to try and force everyone into a one-size-fits-all approach.

Pro Tip 5 - Take My Mini Workshop

I'm offering a mini workshop titled How to Organize and Drive an Effective Launch Team. I call it a mini workshop because it's only 90-minutes long and designed to be easier to work into your busy schedule.

In the workshop I'll share more details on the pro tips above plus much more, including soft skills that can make a big difference in aligning and driving your launch team.

More of what I'll cover...

  • Who should be on your launch team and why

  • The distinct roles of launch team members

  • Why separating a core launch team from an extending launch team is crucial

  • How to align your launch team

  • How to identify and remove launch team friction

  • How to hold your launch team members accountable for results

  • How to manage the progress of your launch team

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