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Tracking Launch Readiness with the Launch Readiness Tracker

I rebooted Launch Liftoff with Dave Daniels for 2024 and this is the first episode. After stubbornly refusing to record the Launch Liftoff sessions because my hypothesis was that more people would attend, I stand corrected. People wanted the sessions recorded. And wouldn't you know it? The first recording failed. Got the acknowledgement the session was being recorded, I clicked the "Got it" button, and no recording. I re-recorded it in Camtasia and here it is.

For those new to Launch Liftoff with Dave Daniels, it's a weekly-ish session that covers a launch topic for 15 to 20 minutes and then opens the floor up to Q & A about anything related to product launch.

Launch Readiness Tracker by Functional Area

The Launch Tracker is a MS Excel spreadsheet that tracks the status of product launch readiness one week at a time. It uses the Readiness Capabilities Canvas as input. The Launch Readiness Canvas is used by a functional area to document the critical abilities needed to support your product launch objectives.

Use the Launch Readiness Tracker by Functional Area to track and report on the progress of your product launch readiness

Watch my YouTube video above to learn more.

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Icons made by Good Ware from Flaticon 

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